PSP Careers

Vice President of Product Management

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AstrumU seeks VP of Product Management

First, let’s get the pronunciation out of the way. AstrumU is not “Astroo-MOO.” It’s more like the opening of an introduction: “Astrum, […]

Development Director

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If this job were any cooler, your screen would be coated in frost.

I mean, this job is really cool. Like, dip-your-fingers-in-Puget-Sound cool. Cool like the breezes that slice […]

Director of Product Marketing

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The Adaptiva marketing boom resumes.

A little earlier this year, we helped Adaptiva find a terrific new Chief Marketing Officer, Sonia Martinez. As we noted then, the Kirkland firm […]

Senior Vice President Customer Success

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“Technology Meets Generosity”: Mission-driven tech firm seeks Chief Customer Officer


Pushpay is a different kind of Redmond tech company. It started out as a […]

Director of Supply Chain Automation

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The ultimate supply-chain management job.

If you’re a supply-chain management wizard looking for an exceptionally timely and worthwhile opportunity to show your stuff […]

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