PSP Careers

Development Director

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If this job were any cooler, your screen would be coated in frost.

I mean, this job is really cool. Like, dip-your-fingers-in-Puget-Sound cool. Cool like the breezes that slice […]

Director of Product Marketing

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The Adaptiva marketing boom resumes.

A little earlier this year, we helped Adaptiva find a terrific new Chief Marketing Officer, Sonia Martinez. As we noted then, the Kirkland firm […]

Director Warehouse and Logistics Operations

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If “Warehouse and Logistics” is your love language, prepare to swoon.

Yet another hot new job opening over at AMMEX, the Kent-based protective-glove distributor […]

Chief Revenue Officer

We have successfully completed this engagement. 
The second “M” is silent – but AMMEX is making noise.

As recruitment specialists, we’ve heard a lot over the last year about how the coronavirus might be affecting companies’ […]


We have successfully completed this engagement. 
A GLDN opportunity.

There are some job openings for which I know – I just know – that at least a few of you are going to stop in your tracks and either say, […]

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