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Three Secret Sages: A Confidential Quest

Game of Thrones has ended, has it? Well, my adventure-addicted acolytes, fear not! The Iron Throne may have been reduced to ashes, but your journey – it has just begun.

For I, Gina Peckman, Good Queen of the Search Partners of Peckman and the First of My Name, have been entrusted with a quest, for which I shall require your assistance.

This quest is a search for Three Secret Sages, each one to provide a unique form of magic in service of the Realm.

And of which Realm do I speak, you ask? This, my child, I am not authorized to answer. For this, you see, is a Confidential Quest. It is not for me to reveal the source of this summoning magic; nor is it for you know. At least … not yet.

All I am empowered to share about this Realm are the darkest outlines of its power. Its domain is the management and security of endpoints – the desktops, laptops, and other remote computing devices that businesses and employees use to connect with the network.

Potent indeed is this Realm, which had a 25 percent increase in new-client revenue and consistently posts customer-renewal rates of nearly 100 percent.

But to sustain this power and growth, the Realm seeks Three Sages. Not a single sage only does it require, nor shall two sages suffice. No – only when all Three Sages are identified and brought unto the Realm Lords shall the quest be fulfilled and order restored.

With this scroll I disclose to you the nature of the First Sage. This is a Chief Revenue Officer, (or Vice President of Sales). Like all of the Three Secret Sages, this is a senior position, responding directly to the President and Founder.

You shall identify this Sage by his or her ability to develop a channel-sales team, establish market strategies, and generate new revenue growth. Among the unique powers of this Sage will be an ability to motivate others and guide them to meet and exceed sales targets. In addition, he or she must be able to cultivate and maintain key customer relationships while also monitoring the competitive landscape for evolving opportunities.

The Realm shall not deign to trifle with novices: Only a Sage of two decades’ experience or more in sales leadership shall be deemed acceptable, with a demonstrated expertise in software or network technologies much to be preferred.

If you were to encounter this Sage – or suspect that you may be Such A One – you must not hesitate. Dispatch a message to me forthwith. For now, be on watch for another scroll, to learn the qualities of the Second Sage.

PS From PSP: Whew! All of this swords-and-spells stuff got me to thinking. Whether or not you cared about it or even watched it in the first place, Game of Thrones definitely provided over-the-cubicle chat fodder at a lot of workplaces.

At a time when popular culture is so fragmented, it’s become pretty rare for any non-sports TV programming to command that kind of morning-after community across a workforce. So I’m curious – does your office have a favorite series that everyone seems to bond over? Let me know – the more random the better! 

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